Investment Banking
The investment banking professionals of RBI Associates work together effortlessly, across geographic, industry and product boundaries, to provide a high level advisory and financing service to clients on a global capacity. The group specialises in several industries including: Transportation, Pharmaceuticals, Metals & Mining, Automotive & Equipment and Technology. We assess each client’s suitability to existing market opportunities and how we can develop their portfolio within that sector.

Corporate Finance
Financing is essential for companies to increase business opportunities, whether that be through mergers and acquisitions or natural growth. Our preference is to assess each client individually and determine the most beneficial route that allows the client to develop and what capital structure to follow.

At RBI Associates, we can offer financing through private placements and initial public offerings. Depending on the designated time frame

We aim to offer the most superior options and strategies for our clients. This advice is catered to match the level of investment and risk management suitable for each individual. We strive to provide organized strategies that will reflect on our client’s long term and short term ambitions.

Institutional Sales
Our sales representatives provide the most rewarding investment opportunities. Based on precise market analysis, our team strive to offer the most exciting and beneficial prospects to our clients. Our Institutional Sales Team will determine what is right for each individual, in order to further your investment experience with us at RBI Associates.

Institutional Trading
The Institutional Trading team here at RBI is responsible for ensuring efficient trade execution of equity and fixed income products. Our clients are generally asset and fund managers who need assistance with proficient trade execution and idea generation.

Our Institutional Trading team also provide Market Making services to issuers on a retainer basis. With a focus on consistent liquidity, a tightening of spreads and facilitating an orderly market while acting as a gatekeeper. The objective is to increase liquidity while fostering an increase in the issuer’s market capitilization.

Private Client Wealth Management
RBI Associates Private Client Wealth Management team is responsible for ensuring clients receive a first class wealth management experience, with direct access to a plethora of different asset classes across a wide range of sectors and geographic regions.

About Us
RBI Associates is an established investment management firm that offers financial management services at the highest level.
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Our mission is simple; to ensure successful returns on your investments. We assist businesses, families and individuals...
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Our motivation is to consistently offer fresh investment opportunities and creative strategies to provide profit...
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